LJMU Together

May 15 2020 issue

New ways of working

Staff and students have been hosting online sessions to keep people active through dancing and gymnastics.

The dance performance team has delivered creative improvisation sessions to students on both sides of the Atlantic.

Dr Pauline Brooks and colleagues have collaborated with teams at Texas Tech University and Nova Southeastern University in Florida to host sessions like the one below.

Meanwhile, students from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences are hosting sessions three times a week for the next generation of gymnasts within their curriculum placements.

Virtual Gymnastics – hosted by Emily White, Abbie Bowman and Pete Knight – has built up an impressive, national following over recent weeks.

They deliver sessions, set tasks and provide psycho-educational support.

Professor Zoe Knowles and Jay Scouler from City of Liverpool Rebound Gymnastics Academy have also jointly hosted an online session to discuss their experiences in sport psychology and elite coaching.

You can catch up with previous sessions on the Virtual Gymnastics YouTube channel.

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